On 01/23/2011 08:28 PM, rantingrick wrote:
On Jan 23, 6:30 pm, Corey Richardson<kb1...@aim.com>  wrote:
On 01/23/2011 07:07 PM, rantingrick wrote:

On Jan 22, 6:07 pm, rantingrick<rantingr...@gmail.com>    wrote:

I await any challengers...

WxPython Challenge 1 code updated...

   * Fixed tab traveral
   * Removed hand-holding code
   * Removed some cruft


Good luck!

Still doesn't fix the problem of the code not working on Linux boxes.
Maybe wxPython isn't the best option, it doesn't appear very cross-platform.
Still getting:

Loading Images:
   -- /home/corey/Downloads/Wx_Tk_Challenge/Bitmaps/file.bmp, file.bmp
   -- /home/corey/Downloads/Wx_Tk_Challenge/Bitmaps/folder.bmp, folder.bmp
   -- /home/corey/Downloads/Wx_Tk_Challenge/Bitmaps/link.bmp, link.bmp
imageMap.keys ->  ['folder', 'link', 'file']
Segmentation fault

Have you tried any debugging? Maybe Linux has some specific needs and
NOT wxPython. Stop jumping to conclusions.

Python (and supposedly wxPython) are cross-platform. Code that runs on one should run on the other unmodified. This is obviously not the case.

Line 151 fails (determined from a simple binary search using print statements):

index = self.InsertImageStringItem(sys.maxint, name, imageIdx)

Maybe wxPython (really wxwidgets, python doesn't throw segfaults...that I've ever seen) isn't suited for the stdlib, unless this is a just a really silly bug somewhere in your programming (which I doubt it is). Looks like an issue with the method, because imageIdx is just a dictionary, sys.maxint is a (surprise!) integer, and name is a string.

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