On 1/21/11 5:33 PM, Ed Connell wrote:
Consider the following please: (re_section, re_name, etc are previously
compiled patterns)
result1 = re_section.search(line);
result2 = re_name.search(line);
result3 = re_data1.search(line);
result4 = re_data2.search(line);
if result1:
last_section = result1.group()[18:-5]
elif result2:
last_name = result2.group(0)[6:-1]
elif result3:
data[last_section] = {last_name:
elif result4:
data[last_section] = {last_name:
It gets my goat to have to obtain all resultx when I just want the first that is
not None. (In theory, the number of results can be much longer.) I can think
of alternatives (raising exceptions), but they all use deep indenting.
parsers = [
('section', re_section, lambda r: r.group()[18:-5]),
('name', re_name, lambda r: r.group()[6:-1]),
('data1', re_data1, lambda r: r.group()[13:-5]),
('data2', re_data2, lambda r: r.group()[17:-5]),
data = {}
for line in lines:
values = {}
for key, regex, extract in parsers:
m = regex.search(line)
if m is not None:
values[key] = extract(m)
if 'data1' in values:
data[values['section']] = {values['name']: values['data1']}
elif 'data2' in values:
data[values['section']] = {values['name']: values['data2']}
Robert Kern
"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
an underlying truth."
-- Umberto Eco