From: "geremy condra" <>
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Octavian Rasnita <> wrote:
>> From: "Stefan Behnel" <>
>>> Octavian Rasnita, 19.01.2011 07:10:
>>>> aren't the Pyton bytecode-compiled files considered secure enough?
>>>> Can they be easily decompiled?
>>> Yes.
>>> Stefan
>> Would it be hard to introduce the possibility of adding encryption of the
>> bytecode similar to what the Zend encoder does for PHP or Filter::Crypto for
>> Perl?
>> Octavian
> The iron law of cryptography: there is no cryptographic solution to a
> problem in which the attacker and intended recipient are the same
> person.
> Schemes like this are at most an annoyance to people willing to
> reverse engineer your code.
> Geremy Condra

I don't know how the Python bytecode works... how it is executed.

I thought that Python parses the .py file and generates the bytecode that 
doesn't contain all the necessary information for re-creating the source code.
(But that I agree, that might mean real compilation which is not the case...)



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