> No, I'm sorry, they're not obvious at all.

These reasons become obious as soon as you start working.

Let's take a practical point view. It did not take a long time
to understand, that it is much simpler to delete the __pycache__
directory everytime I compile my scripts than to visit it just
because I deleted or renamed a .py file in my working directory.

How long will it take to find on the web tools to parse and
delete ophan .pyc files on a hd?

If I get (stupidly, I agree) a .pyc file and want to test
it. Should I create manually a cache alongside my test.py

If I wish to delete the numerous auxiliary files a TeX
document produces, I just del /rm .* to keep a clean working
dir. With Python now? Impossible! The files are spread in two
dirs (at least).


That's life, unfortunately.

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