In article <>,
Adam Skutt  <> wrote:
>Replacing TkInter with some sort of minimized wxwidgets is a dumb idea
>for some very obvious reasons, reasons that are obvious if you simply
>look at a widget gallery and then the applications you run on your own
>computer.  Quite honestly, if you're not capable of that, there's
>little reason to believe you'll ever be able to bring forth a
>coherent, cogent proposal.

I really don't follow that. You need a tremendous set to write gimp.
Obviously you won't write gimp in Python.

Now you want to jot together three cooperating screens to specify
some properties for say bluetooth. The proposed set is ample for
that, no?
Such things make up a substantial part of the applications
as far as numbers is concerned. They are probably written by
people who don't want to dive very deeply into GUI.
(Maybe they are more bluetooth experts than GUI-experts, what
would you say?)


Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n


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