Hello all , I have implemented Elliptic curve prime factorisation using wikipedia [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenstra_elliptic_curve_factorization]. I think that this code is not optimised and posting for further improvement. Feel free to comment and if you have any link regarding Elliptic curve prime factorisation , kindly post it. Thank you
import math import random #y^2=x^3+ax+b mod n def extended_gcd(a,b): # taken from wikipedia x,y,lastx,lasty=0,1,1,0 while b!=0: q=a/b a,b=b,a%b x,lastx=(lastx-q*x,x) y,lasty=(lasty-q*y,y) if a<0: return (-a,-lastx,-lasty) else: return (a,lastx,lasty) def gcd(a,b): if a < 0: a = -a if b < 0: b = -b if a == 0: return b if b == 0: return a while b != 0: (a, b) = (b, a%b) return a def randomCurve(N): A,u,v=random.randrange(N),random.randrange(N),random.randrange(N) B=(v*v-u*u*u-A*u)%N return [(A,B,N),(u,v)] def addPoint(E,p_1,p_2): if p_1=="Identity": return [p_2,1] if p_2=="Identity": return [p_1,1] a,b,n=E (x_1,y_1)=p_1 (x_2,y_2)=p_2 x_1%=n y_1%=n x_2%=n y_2%=n if x_1 != x_2 : d,u,v=extended_gcd(x_1-x_2,n) s=((y_1-y_2)*u)%n x_3=(s*s-x_1-x_2)%n y_3=(-y_1-s*(x_3-x_1))%n else: if (y_1+y_2)%n==0:return ["Identity",1] else: d,u,v=extended_gcd(2*y_1,n) s=((3*x_1*x_1+a)*u)%n x_3=(s*s-2*x_1)%n y_3=(-y_1-s*(x_3-x_1))%n return [(x_3,y_3),d] def mulPoint(E,P,m): Ret="Identity" d=1 while m!=0: if m%2!=0: Ret,d=addPoint(E,Ret,P) if d!=1 : return [Ret,d] # as soon as i got anything otherthan 1 return P,d=addPoint(E,P,P) if d!=1 : return [Ret,d] m>>=1 return [Ret,d] def ellipticFactor(N,m,times=5): for i in xrange(times): E,P=randomCurve(N); Q,d=mulPoint(E,P,m) if d!=1 : return d return N if __name__=="__main__": n=input() m=int(math.factorial(1000)) while n!=1: k=ellipticFactor(n,m) n/=k print k -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list