Thank you for all the replies here! I will try your suggestions.

On Jan 7, 11:03 pm, Alice Bevan–McGregor <> wrote:
> Howdy!
> On 2011-01-07 17:08:28 -0800, linna li said:
> > I tried to use the apscheduler and used the sample code below from the
> > tutorial, but got the error message: Exception in thread APScheduler
> > (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown). What's going on here?
> > I really appreciate any help!
> After talking a bit with Alex Grönholm it seems this is an issue raised
> fairly often (not always in the context of this package) and is not
> really a problem with APScheduler.  It has far more to do with
> attempting to start a thread, then immediately exiting the main thread.
>  That's not how threading is supposed to be used, so don't do it.  ;)
> APScheduler 2.0 adds some improved examples, according to Alex, that

> don't suffer the "problem" demonstrated by the short code snippit you
> provided.
> A package of mine, TurboMail, suffers from the same threading issue if
> used improperly; you enqueue e-mail, it starts a thread, then you
> immediately exit.  TM tries to work around the issue, but in most cases
> that workaround does not work properly.  (You get strange uncatchable
> exceptions printed on stderr though AFIK the e-mail does get sent
> correctly, your application may hang waiting for the thread pool to
> drain if you have a "minimum thread count" option set.)
> I hope this clears things up a bit,
>         - Alice.


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