dmitrey <> wrote:

> e.g. instead of
> import MyModule
> (...lots of code...)
> r = MyModule.myFunc(...)
> someone could just type in the single place
> r = @MyModule.myFunc(...)
> Also, "import MyModule2 as mm2" could be replaced to mere
> mm2 = @MyModule2
> and "from MyModule3 import myFunc3 as mf3" could be replaced to mere
> "mf3 = @MyModule3.myFunc3".

If you just import the modules at the top of the file then there's 
nothing to prevent you writing:

mm2 = MyModule2
mf3 = MyModule3.myFunc3

without any punctuation to obscure the meaning.

Your complaint seems to be that:

   r1 = myFunc1(...)

is unclear when you don't know where myfunc1 originates, so why don't 
you write:

   r1 = MyModule1.myFunc1(...)

Duncan Booth

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