I've created a spreadsheet that compares the built ins, features and modules of the CPython releases so far. For instance it shows: - basestring was first introduced at version 2.3 then removed in version 3.0 - List comprehensions (PEP 202) were introduced at version 2.0. - apply() was a built in throughout the 1.x and 2.x series, but was deprecated in from 2.3 and removed in 3.0 - Generator functions were first introduced in 2.2 with __future__ import, from 2.3 they were fully supported
https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0At5kubLl6ri7dHU2OEJFWkJ1SE16NUNvaGg2UFBxMUE The current version covers CPython 1.5 - 3.2 on these aspects: - Built in types and functions - Keywords - Modules - Interpreter switches and environment variables - Platforms, including shipped Python version(s) for major Linux distributions - Features/PEPs (incomplete) I gathered the data from the documentation at python.org. It's work in progress so there are plenty of rough edges and holes, but I'd like to get your opinions, feedback and suggestions. - Would you find such a document useful? - What format(s) would be most useful to you (e.g. spreadsheet, pdf, web page(s), database, wall chart, desktop background)? - Are there other aspects/pages that you'd like to see included? - Do you know of source(s) for which versions of CPython supported which operating systems (e.g. the first and last Python release that works on Windows 98 or Mac OS 9)? The best I've found so far is PEP 11 Regards and thanks, Alex -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list