I am writing to a unique script file . Each script file has prefixes
like script1.sh script2.sh and they reside in different directories .
The scripts will never trample each other since they are all
sequential and shell scripts and no directory will have more than one
shell script.

The only thing I am doing is dir1 and dir2 will each have a
script1.sh . But that still makes it mutually exclusive paths.


On Dec 30, 5:34 pm, "Thomas L. Shinnick" <tshin...@io.com> wrote:
> At 03:46 PM 12/30/2010, harijay wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I am writing some multithreaded code which aims to automate three
> >sequential data processing applications and distribute the processing
> >on my 16GB RAM, 64 bit Ubuntu box running Python 2.6.5
> >The basic class that orchestrates these jobs use Queue.Queue() to feed
> >the product of the first job into the Queue for the next job.
> >Each Thread receives a dynamically generated shell script from some
> >classes I wrote and then runs the script using
> >subprocess.call(["shell_script_file.sh"])
> You say dynamically generated.  Any chance you are (re)using the same
> filename each time?  Is it possible that two uses of that filename
> could occur at the same time?  That is, is it possible that at the
> same time while one process is running from the script file, another
> process is trying to re-write the script file?  And so maybe you need
> to have dynamically generated and unique filenames
> Most often I see references to binary executable files for the error
> message, but I've also seen references to script files, e.g.
>      http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/binbash-bad-interpreter-text-file-busy/
> >I tested the code on a mac laptop and also on ubuntu. Curiously on Mac
> >OSX 32 bit Core duo running snow leopard, the code always runs fine.
> >However on my ubuntu box I get sporadic errors detailed below.
> >I tried replacing the
> >subprocess.call() with
> >subprocess.Popen(["shellscriptfile.sh"],stdout=open("unique_process_id.log 
> >","w"),stderr=open("unique_error_log.log","w")
> >But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error
> >Everytime I run the same job queue a different part of the job fails.
> >Unfortunately I dont see anybody else reporting this OSError. ANy help
> >in troubleshooting my "newbie" thread code will be greatly
> >appreciated.
> >Thanks
> >hari
> >The orchestrator class is at:
> >https://github.com/harijay/auriga/blob/master/process_multi.py
> >A sample thread subclass is at :
> >https://github.com/harijay/auriga/blob/master/scatomtzrunthread.py
> >Detailed error:
> >Exception in thread Thread-1:
> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in
> >__bootstrap_inner
> >     self.run()
> >   File "/home/hari/Dropbox/auriga/scatomtzrunthread.py", line 28, in
> >run
> >     stat = subprocess.call([file])
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 480, in call
> >     return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 633, in __init__
> >     errread, errwrite)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1139, in
> >_execute_child
> >     raise child_exception
> >OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy


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