In <> Carl 
Banks <> writes:

>On Dec 22, 8:52=A0am, kj <> wrote:
>> In <> Robert Kern <rober=
>> writes:
>> >Obfuscating the location that an exception gets raised prevents a lot of
>> >debugging...
>> The Python interpreter does a lot of that "obfuscation" already, and I
>> find the resulting tracebacks more useful for it.
>> An error message is only useful to a given audience if that audience
>> can use the information in the message to modify what they are
>> doing to avoid the error.

>> =A0It is of no use (certainly no *immediate*
>> use) to this audience to see tracebacks that go deep into code that
>> they don't know anything about and cannot change.

>So when the audience files a bug report it's not useful for them to
>include the whole traceback?

Learn to read, buster.  I wrote *immediate* use.


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