I have a user supplied 'template' Excel spreadsheet. I need to create a new 
excel spreadsheet based on the supplied template, with data filled in. 

I found the tools here http://www.python-excel.org/,  and 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyexcelerator/. I have been trying to use the 
former, since the latter seems to be devoid of documentation (not even any 

My first thought was to copy the template, open the copy, modify it and save 
the modifications. But it looks like if I open an existing spreadsheet it must 
be read only. So I tried to  open the template, copy it to a new spreadsheet 
and write the new spreadsheet, but I can't seem to copy the images, and it 
looks like copying the formatting is going to be difficult.

Can anyone give me any tips or advice?

Thanks in advance,


Ed Keith


Blog: edkeith.blogspot.com


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