Hi Experts, I am still struggling with handling output generated after execution of command/script on host unix machine using windows client machine
ssh code : import sys import datetime import time # setup logging paramiko.util.log_to_file('darshak_simple.log') ssh=paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect("*****",username="****",password="****") try: stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command("BsPlSMProbe -f node -d > /var/log/Darshak/3.txt ") // output of this command will be store in /var/log/Darshak/ in remote machine except: {Issue is files are generating but remaining blank pls pls help me out of this} print "check" time.sleep(10) print stdout.readlines() a=stdout.readlines() print 1 ssh.close() #print stdout.readlines() Issue is files are generating but remaining blank pls pls help me out of this -- BR Darshak Bavishi -- BR Darshak Bavishi
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