It is not entirely clear what the functions and especially what their
signatures are in that C library clibsmi.

In general, for shared libraries, you need to define those first as
prototype using ctypes.CFUNCTYPE() and then instantiate each prototype
once supplying the necessary parameter flags using
prototype(func_spec, tuple_of_param_flags).  See sections
and 4 of the ctypes docs*.

Take a look the Python bindings** for the VLC library, the file called***.  The function _Cfunction is used to create the Python
callable for each C function in that VLC library.  All the Python
callables are in the second half of the file, starting at line

Hope this helps,


*) <>

**) <>

***) <

On Dec 10, 3:32 pm, News Wombat <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been experimenting with the ctypes module and think it's great.
> I'm hitting a few snags though with seg faults.  I attached two links
> that holds the code.  The line i'm having problems with is this,
> sn=clibsmi.smiGetNextNode(pointer(sno),SMI_NODEKIND_ANY)
> It will work one time, and if I call it again with the result of the
> previous, even though the result (a c struct) looks ok, it will
> segfault.  I think it's a problem with pointers or maybe the function
> in the c library trying to change a string that python won't let it
> change.  I'm stuck, any tips would be appreciated.  Thanks, and Merry
> Christmas!


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