Carl Banks <> writes: > I think that feeling the need to sort non-homogenous lists is > indictative of bad design.
Here's a reason you might want to. You're given an object, and you want to compute a hash of it. (Maybe you want to see whether someone else's object is the same as yours, but don't want to disclose the actual object, say.) To hash it, you'll need to serialize it somehow. But here's a problem: objects like dictionaries and sets don't impose an ordering on their elements. For example, the set { 1, 'two' } is the same as the set { 'two', 1 } -- but iterating the two might well yield the elements in a different order. (The internal details of a hash table tend to reflect the history of operations on the hash table as well as its current contents.) The obvious answer is to apply a canonical ordering to unordered objects like sets and dictionaries. A set can be serialized with its elements in ascending order; a dictionary can be serialized as key/value pairs with the keys in ascending order. But to do this, you need an (arbitrary, total) order on all objects which might be set elements or dictionary keys. The order also needs to be dependent only on the objects' serializable values, and not on any incidental facts such as memory addresses or whatever. -- [mdw] --