RedBaron wrote:
I am beginner to python and i am writing a program that does a lot of
things. One of the requirements is that the program shud generate a
log file. I came across python loggging module and found it very
useful. But I have a few problems
Suppose by giving option '-v' along with the program the user can turn
off logging to a file and instead display log on the screen. Since I
am using a config file for logging, how do I accomplish this.
I tried to define two handlers (fil and screen) and added it to my
logger. But that logs data to both screen and the file. I need to log
it to only one. How do I dynamically remove one of the handler from
the logger based on user option. As a precursor how do i reference the
handlers defined in config file in the code??
your logger has a public 'handlers' attribute.

consoleHandlers = [h for h in logger.handlers if h.__class__ is logging.StreamHandler] # the list of handlers logging to the console (assuming they are instances of the StreamHandler class)

if consoleHandlers:
   h1 = consoleHandlers[0]
   h1.filter = lambda x:True # enable the handler
   h1.filter = lambda x:False # disable the handler



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