John Abel wrote:

>Shane Hathaway wrote:
>>Mike Meyer wrote:
>>>On a completely different topic, this looks like the wrong way to solve
>>>the problem. You want to update a search engine based on changes to the
>>>underlying file system. The right way to do this isn't to just keep
>>>rescanning the file system, it's to arrange things so that your scanner
>>>gets notified of any changes made to the file system. I did something like 
>>>this for my web site search engine, but that's hooked into the SCM that's
>>>used for propogating changes to the web site. I know someone is working
>>>on patches to the FreeBSD kernel to make this kind of thing work. It would
>>>seem that some of the "backup" facilities that worked by keeping a mirror
>>>of the disk on separate media would have to have used such hooks, but maybe
>>I think you're right that filesystem change notification is what Carlos
>>If you're interested in using Linux, Carlos, "inotify" is a new kernel
>>module that can notify your program of filesystem changes.  It's not
>>folded into the mainline kernel yet, but it's a clean patch.
>>I don't know if Windows has anything like it.  I'd be interested to hear
>>if it does.
>Using the PyWin32 extensions, you can register an event with the kernel, 
>and then have the script sleep.  If I can remember how, I'll post some 
>code.  It's been a while since I coded specific Win32 stuff.
Couldn't find my code, but this page has various ways of doing it on Win32.



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