On 12/11/2010 15:50, Robert Kern wrote:
On 11/12/10 8:12 AM, Micah Carrick wrote:
My company is working on releasing some of our code as open-source python
modules. I don't want my "foo" module conflicting with other modules
"foo" on PyPi or github or a user's system. Is there anything wrong,
from a
conventions standpoint, with having modules like company.foo and
even if foo and bar are not necessarily related other than being
released by us?
I really don't like the cryptic module names or things like foo2 and
the like.

Yes, using namespace packages. You need to use `distribute` in your
setup.py in order to accomplish this.


...or setuptools.

...or just pick a different naming scheme, the Pyramid guys have gone for:


...and I'm inclined to do the same.


Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
           - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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