On Nov 29, 12:15 am, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 11/28/2010 3:47 PM, pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:
> > I had planned on subclassing Tkinter.Toplevel() using property() to wrap
> > access to properties like a window's title.
> > After much head scratching and a peek at the Tkinter.py source, I
> > realized that all Tkinter classes are old-style classes (even under
> > Python 2.7).
> > 1. Is there a technical reason why Tkinter classes are still old-style
> > classes?
> To not break old code. Being able to break code by upgrading all classes
> in the stdlib was one of the reasons for 3.x.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy

Notice that you can upgrade a Tkinter class to a new-style class
simply by deriving from object.
For instance you could define a new-style Label class as:

class Label(Tkinter.Label, object):

then you can attach properties to it. You have a good chance of not
breaking anything in doing so,
but you cannot know for sure unless you try. I don't know if Tkinter
uses features of old-style classes which are inconsistent with new-
style classes, but probably the answer is not much.

 Michele Simionato

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