On 25/11/2010 04:46, Phlip wrote:
I need to turn a human-readable list into a list():
print re.search(r'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and
That currently returns ('c',). I'm trying to match "any word \w+
followed by a comma, or a final word preceded by and."
The match returns 'a, bbb, and c', but the groups return ('bbb', 'c').
What do I type for .groups() to also get the 'a'?
Please go easy on me (and no RTFM!), because I have only been using
regular expressions for about 20 years...
Try re.findall:
>>> re.findall(r'(\w+), |and (\w+)', 'whatever a, bbb, and c')
[('a', ''), ('bbb', ''), ('', 'c')]
You can get a list of strings like this:
>>> [x or y for x, y in re.findall(r'(\w+), |and (\w+)', 'whatever
a, bbb, and c')]
['a', 'bbb', 'c']