I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple

Google searches take me to old papers for C++ and Eiffel, but that
don't seem to be relevant to most Python programmers (i.e. a
WalkingMenu example where a submenu is both a Entry in a Menu and a
Menu itself).  Another published example is in a graphic library where
some widgets inherit GraphicalFeature methods such as location, size
and NestingGroupingFeatures such as finding parents, siblings, and
children.  I don't find either of those examples compelling because
there is no particular reason that they would have to have overlapping
method names.

So far, the only situation I can find where method names necessarily
overlap is for the basics like __init__(), close(), flush(), and
save() where multiple parents need to have their own initialization
and finalization.

If you guys know of good examples, I would appreciate a link or a




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