Don wrote: > I wrote this 'which' function for Linux, but I think if you changed the ':' > character, it would work on Windows (I think its a ';' on Windows, but I > can't remember): Why remember when os.pathsep will do it for you. However, for windows you need a bit more:
def which(command): win32 = sys.platform == 'win32' if win32: # Case-insesitive file names and file exts for commands try: knownexts = [''] + os.getenv('PATHEXT').split(os.pathsep) except AttributeError: knownexts = [''] else: knownexts = [ext.lower() for ext in knownexts] test = command.lower() tests = set(test + ext for ext in knownexts) else: tests = set([command]) for dirname in os.getenv('PATH').split(os.pathsep): try: files = os.listdir(dirname) except IOError: continue else: for name in files: if name in tests or win32 and name.lower() in tests: yield dirname, name --Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] --