On Mittwoch 17 November 2010, justin wrote:
> But the problem is that the code is not mine, and it takes
> over a day for me to get the point where the segmentation
> fault occurred. Plus, it seems that the point is not
> deterministic
> Still, I think I should at least try to figure out exactly at
> which point the segmentation fault occurs, and think where to
> go from there according to your kind advice.

try valgrind

mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen

with my best greetings

Wolfgang Rohdewald

dipl. Informatik Ing. ETH Rohdewald Systemberatung
Karauschenstieg 4
D 21640 Horneburg
Tel.:     04163 826 819
Fax:      04163 826 828
Internet: http://www.rohdewald.de

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