Hi users, Found a solution to my Raster to ASCII conversion problem, so I thought I'd post.
My raster was created in ArcGIS 9.3 as an ESRI GRID (folder with associated info folder). I needed to use the ListRasters method (see http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/index.cfm?id=958&pid=905&topicname=ListRasters_method) to get Python to recognize it as a raster. My functioning code is posted below. >>import arcgisscripting >>gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3) >>gp.workspace = "C:\Users\Lab User\Desktop\BKern\Blackwater\PVA\Scenario 1\Nov 15" >>rasters = gp.ListRasters("","ALL") >>for raster in rasters: print raster ... scen1_11_15 >>InRaster = "scen1_11_15" >>OutasciiFile = "C:\Users\Lab User\Desktop\BKern\Blackwater\PVA\Scenario 1\Nov 15\scen1.asc" >>gp.RasterToASCII_conversion(InRaster, OutasciiFile)
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