On Nov 15, 2010, at 1:39 AM, Dmitry Groshev wrote: > if x in range(a, b): #wrong! > it feels so natural to check it that way, but we have to write > if a <= x <= b > I understand that it's not a big deal, but it would be awesome to have > some optimisations - it's clearly possible to detect things like that > "wrong" one and fix it in a bytecode.
I don't think anyone has pointed this out, but these are *not* the same thing. observe: x=3 if x in range(1,10): print "yay!" if 1<=x<10: print "yay too!" x=3.2 if x in range(1,10): print "yay!" if 1<=x<10: print "yay too!" output: yay! yay too! yay too! bb -- Brian Blais bbl...@bryant.edu http://web.bryant.edu/~bblais http://bblais.blogspot.com/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list