On 11/11/10 14:26, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message<mailman.843.1289438674.2218.python-l...@python.org>, Tim Chase

Amusingly, as others have noted, you replied with an unobfuscated
email address.

would seem to be an independent, true record of what members of python-list
would see of my posting, would it not? You would agree that it shows my e-
mail address as obfuscated, would you not? So if you claim to be seeing an
unobfuscated e-mail address for my posting on python-list, you would be
lying, would you not?

You're welcome to point to something on the web that doesn't show all the raw headers as a reason to accuse me of lying. However if you want the raw headers as they show up here (via Gmane's NNTP) see below or go visit Gmane with your NNTP client of choice or see on their web interface[1] that it has .nz as your TLD. Said leakage comes from you. Or perhaps Gmane lies as much as I do... ;-)


[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general/678520/

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In message <mailman.843.1289438674.2218.python-l...@python.org>, Tim Chase

> Amusingly, as others have noted, you replied with an unobfuscated
> email address.


<http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2010-November/1260153.html> would seem to be an independent, true record of what members of python-list would see of my posting, would it not? You would agree that it shows my e- mail address as obfuscated, would you not? So if you claim to be seeing an unobfuscated e-mail address for my posting on python-list, you would be
lying, would you not?

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