On 11/11/10 19:34, r0g wrote:
On 11/11/10 09:34, Peter Otten wrote:
r0g wrote:
If I understand correctly it may also be possible
(and more efficient) to use setattr() to inject the parameters I want
into the class as class attributes before use, rather than assigning
them to data attributes every time I instantiate an new instance.

Ah, it's even simpler than that, turns out I've been significantly overcomplicating things, I can just set the class attributes by calling classname.attributename = whatever once at the start of my script. The one thing I might need to change as the server runs is the paths dictionary but dicts are mutable so that's no problem and I don't need to inject any data into the instances at all. I'm guessing I can subclass that easily now too - happy days!

Well, far from wasted time it's been a very educational diversion, cheers :)


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