On 2010-11-07, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <slrnid9ln8.30fm.usenet-nos...@guild.seebs.net>, Seebs wrote:
>> Four spaces followed by a tab nearly always actually means "eight spaces"
>> to most editors (and Python seems to treat it that way), but it's hard to
>> tell. Worse, a tab may have been intended to be the same thing as four
>> spaces, and someone was expecting it NOT to be the same as eight spaces...
> Whereas explicitly-bracketed languages leave no ambiguity about how many 
> brackets you need and where.

Well, the good ones don't.  :P  (I think the optional nature of brackets is
probably a flaw in C.  It would break too much existing code to fix it,

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
http://www.seebs.net/log/ <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) <-- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

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