On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 20:33:18 -0700, Gunner Asch
<gunnera...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 13:58:16 -0700, Rich Grise <richgr...@example.net>
>>On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 14:17:29 -0700, Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> But...shrug..there will be far less after the Great Cull........
>>I think some people might be surprised as to exactly _who_ gets "culled".
>>Good Luck!
>Indeed. So stock up, and watch your six.
Here is an article/book you may like.

-- Unka George  (George McDuffee)
The past is a foreign country; 
they do things differently there.
L. P. Hartley (1895-1972), British author. 
The Go-Between, Prologue (1953).

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