On 26/05/05, Leonard J. Reder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking at configuring vim for Python.  Most importantly I
> need 4 spaces when the tab is hit.  I am searching and getting
> a bit confused.  Does anyone know where I can find a set of
> ready made .vimrc and ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim.  If could find
> c.vim and cpp.vim these would be useful also.

The default python.vim in the /usr/share/vim/vim63/ftplugin/ directory
automatically set the shiftwidth to 4 wide (i.e. a <tab> keypress
makes 4 spaces) and automatically uses spaces instead of tab
characters. A tab character in your file will be rendered as 8 wide.

Stephen Thorne
Development Engineer

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