In case anyone finds this worthwhile: there is a pretty impressive python3 to haskell compiler written in haskell called berp that looks very interesting:
I highly recommend reading through the berp implementation code for a fascinating (but currently incomplete) attempt at a purely functional implementation of python3. The current version doesn't do floats and imports and other things but includes callcc continuations and tail- call optimization, and it is likely these things will be added relatively quickly as the code is extremely well-structured. Even the generated code (minus the underscore) is surprisingly readable: <python> class Person: def __init__(self, name): = name def say_hello(self): print('hello, my name is ' def main(): p = Person('sam') p.say_hello() main() </python> to <haskell> module Main where import Berp.Base import qualified Prelude main = runStmt init init = do _s_Person <- var "Person" _s_main <- var "main" klass "Person" _s_Person [] (do _s___init__ <- var "__init__" _s_say_hello <- var "say_hello" def _s___init__ 2 none (\ [_s_self, _s_name] -> do _t_0 <- read _s_name _t_1 <- read _s_self setattr _t_1 (621807930, "_s_name") _t_0) def _s_say_hello 1 none (\ [_s_self] -> do _t_2 <- read _s_print _t_3 <- read _s_self _t_4 <- _t_3 . (621807930, "_s_name") _t_5 <- string "hello, my name is " + _t_4 _t_2 @@ [_t_5]) pure [((-277916325, "_s___init__"), _s___init__), ((175397596, "_s_say_hello"), _s_say_hello)]) def _s_main 0 none (\ [] -> do _s_p <- var "p" _t_6 <- read _s_Person _t_7 <- _t_6 @@ [string "sam"] _s_p =: _t_7 _t_8 <- read _s_p _t_9 <- _t_8 . (175397596, "_s_say_hello") _t_9 @@ []) _t_10 <- read _s_main _t_10 @@ [] </haskell> Also see: others ways to interface to haskell code (from ctypes for example, see my entry in AK --