In message
<>, wrote:
> On 29 Okt., 01:34, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand>
> wrote:
>> In message
>> <>,
>> kodifik wrote:
>>> On Oct 28, 1:55 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
>>> <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
>>>> Would it be right to say that the only Lisp still in common use is the
>>>> Elisp built into Emacs?
>> > Surely surpassed by autolisp (a xlisp derivative inside the Autocad
>> > engineering software).
>> How many copies of AutoCAD are there? Given its price, probably something
>> in the five or six figures at most.
> A few million.

Autodesk have probably sold a few million licences, but that would be 
including upgrades.

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