On Oct 24, 7:36 am, Steve Holden <st...@holdenweb.com> wrote: > I don't want people to think this is a big deal, however.
Nonsense, this IS a big deal. (and Steve grow a spine already!) I was not even aware of this issue until you brought it up -- although i will admit your choice of title is completely misleading! This new exception handling behavior is completely ridiculous and the only thing more atrocious than the new exception handling BUG you uncovered is the "hoop jumping" garbage people have come up with to make the "new" work as the tried and tested "old". I am the programmer, and when i say to my interpretor "show this exception instead of that exception" i expect my interpretor to do exactly as i say or risk total annihilation!! I don't want my interpreter "interpreting" my intentions and then doing what it "thinks" is best for me. I have a wife already, i don't need a virtual one! We are opening a Pandora's box of mediocrity and confusion when we start down such a slippery slope as this. Let me enlighten you fellows... If have i ever learned anything about programming, i can tell you one rule should always be counted on above all rules -- that the computer will do exactly what you tell it to do NOTHING more, and NOTHING less. End of story! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list