f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:
Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote:
Always post working code, or at least something we can paste in the python interpreter (even if it's buggy)

Ok, noted.

class A:
   class B:
   class C:
       def __init__(self):
           print A.B.x

c = A.C()


Good, thanks.

I've made further tests and here is what I have come to:

class zoneDeDessin(gtk.DrawingArea):
  xmin = -5.5
  xmax = 5.5
  ymin = -5.5
  ymax = 5.5

  class Handle:
    def __init__(self, xEcran, yEcran):
      (self.xEcran, self.yEcran) = (xEcran, yEcran)
      (self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 

def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self)
    (self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (0,0)

  def expose(self, widget, event):
    rect = self.get_allocation()
    (self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (rect.width, rect.height)
def XdeLEcranAuRepere(self, x): return zoneDeDessin.xmin+x*(zoneDeDessin.xmax-zoneDeDessin.xmin)/float(self.largeur) def YdeLEcranAuRepere(self, y):

I have further code that should add a Handle when I double-click on
the screen.

However I get this error when executing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zoneDeDessin.py", line 161, in boutonRelache
    zoneDeDessin.Courbe.ajouterUnHandle(self.courbeCourante, event.x, event.y)
  File "./zoneDeDessin.py", line 36, in ajouterUnHandle
    self.listeDesPoints.append(zoneDeDessin.Handle(xEcran, yEcran))
  File "./zoneDeDessin.py", line 22, in __init__
    (self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 
TypeError: unbound method XdeLEcranAuRepere() must be called with zoneDeDessin 
instance as first argument (got float instance instead)

I understand the error (XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method, not a
class method), but I don't see how to fix it, except by making largeur
and hauteur class variables...

Any hint?


Quite simple in fact,

XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method (any method with self as 1st parameter 
is an instance method).

However you called it as a class method: zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran)
Just change that code to  self.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran). 'self' allows you to 
access attributes and methods of an instance.

Also don't code in french, you use meaningful names which is good, but they're 
meaninful only to french speaking people. That will reduce the help you can't 
get in this international list for instance.

Another detail, my guess is that xmin = -5.5
 xmax = 5.5
 ymin = -5.5
 ymax = 5.5

should be instance attributes not class attributes (you don't want 2 instances 
of zoneDeDessin sharing the same xmin value).
A classic pattern for default values is:
class DrawArea:
   DFT_XMIN = -5.5
   DFT_XMAX = 5.5
   DFT_YMIN = -5.5
   DFT_YMAX = 5.5

   def __init__(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None):
for attribute in ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax']: if getattr(self, attribute) is None: # then let's assign the default value
                setattr(self, attribute, getattr(self, 'DFT_' + 
attribute.upper())) # there's a little bit of magic here, it could be improved 
but this is not the purpose here

print 'd1 ', d1.__dict__
print 'd2 ', d2.__dict__

execution output:
d1  {'xmin': -5.5, 'ymin': -5.5, 'ymax': 5.5, 'xmax': 5.5}
d2  {'xmin': -5.5, 'ymin': -5.5, 'ymax': 5.5, 'xmax': 8}


PS : to those how would wonder why not include self.xmin=xmin into the 'for attribute' loop, it's just to not mess with most linter(including pylint), and for attributes, it's always a good think to 'declare' them explicitly in the __init__ method.

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