On 17/10/2010 6:39 AM, John Henry wrote:
On Oct 12, 10:31 am, Tim Golden<m...@timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
On 12/10/2010 4:59 PM, John Henry wrote:
According to:
I need to reset my Outlook registry keys. Unfortunately, I don't have
my Office Install CD with me. This would have to wait.
Thanks for the information; I'm keen to see if you're able
to use the solution I posted once this fix is in place.
Okay, after fixing the Outlook reg entries as described above, I am
able to go further. Now, the code stops at:
message = mapi.OpenIMsgOnIStg (mapi_session, None, storage, None, 0,
with an error message:
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221242, 'OLE error 0x80040106', None,
Strange. That's UNKNOWN_FLAGS. Try the call without the MAPI_UNICODE,
ie make the last param zero. Maybe there's something with Outlook 2002...
I've never tried it myself.