On 14/10/2010 18:54, Pratik Khemka wrote:
I think I did not frame the question in a proper manner.. I want to open pratik.html which is there in the same folder as the python program. I do not want to specify the path like you can see below in the code (blue) *_c:\Documents_ and Settings\My Documents..*The reason for this is that I want the code to be portable , ie others should also be able to run the program on their computers in whichever folder they want to. In this situation the code wont work on other computers due to the path name specified. Currently I am using this code below : *sheet.write(4,3,"**file:///c:\Documents** and Settings\My Documents\pratik.html",hyperlink_style)* ** What I want to know is that if there is a way to remove the blue part (path to file)..I think it should be possible because the /file is present in the same folder as the python program/.. Currently the hyperlink only works if the blue part is also there..I am sorry if this question probably does not belong to this group and maybe belongs more to the excel group. Thanks a lot for all the help..I really aprreciate it..
[snip] Try a relative hyperlink like "file:pratik.html". -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list