chad <> writes:

> >>> print one
> < instance at 0xb7f3a2ec>
> >>> print two
> < instance at 0xb7f3a16c>
> >>> one.x
> 1
> Is 'one' a reference or a name space?


It's a reference to an instance of the ‘foo’ type.

That instance is also a namespace; in other words, its attributes are in
a distinct namespace from all other instances.

This is complicated by the fact that it *also* gives access to the
attributes of ‘foo’, shared by all instances of that type. But that's
part of what it means to be an instance of the ‘foo’ type.

> Also, in 'one.x'. would 'one' be the name space?

It's *a* namespace. Since ‘one.x’ also presumably has attributes, then
it, too, is a namespace.

Learn more about classes and namespaces in Python's documentation

In fact, you should work through the entire tutorial from start to
finish, experimenting manually with each example until you unsderstand
before moving on. That will give you a very solid grounding in Python.

 \                “I got fired from my job the other day. They said my |
  `\          personality was weird. … That's okay, I have four more.” |
_o__)                                       —Bug-Eyed Earl, _Red Meat_ |
Ben Finney

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