hackingKK <hackin...@gmail.com> writes: > Hello all. > I need to create an xml file. > I am using dom.minidom module. > It works fine as long as the xml tree is created. > But I get the import error for dom.ext. > I searched through the python docs but can't find a solution. > I am pritty sure that there is way to write the file to disk without > using the ext module. > Since there are so many software doing this with python 2.6 I am sure > it works. > So can some one tell me if there is a way to avoide ext and > prittyprint and still write a file to the disk?
By not using minidom at all. from xml.etree import ElementTree as et doc = et.fromstring("<mydoc/>") print et.tostring(doc) Diez -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list