Ppl thanyou, for all your help finally i did it!!!!! thanks, another thing to who i can send a propose code, i fixed the little problem of the wsig.input in Python 3 i will tested in the next months but i want to share the code with the community, how i can do that?

On Oct 6, 2010 3:13pm, hid...@gmail.com wrote:
Ppl thanyou, for all your help finally i did it!!!!! thanks, another thing to i have to send a propouse code, i can fixed the litle problem of the wsig.input in Python 3 i will tested in the next months but i want to share the code with the comunnity, how i can do that?

On Oct 6, 2010 1:45pm, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> On 06/10/2010 15:25, hid...@gmail.com wrote:
> When you put the 'wb' extension you have to pass a Encode the string
> Python does not accept a string on a wb file, Python3
> [snip]
> You are using Python 3 and type(str) returns ""?
> Binary data in Python 3 should be an instance of the 'bytes' class, not
> an instance of the 'str' class.
> If you can't fix that, you could turn the string into bytes using:
> data = bytes(ord(c) for c in str)
> or by carefully choosing an encoding which would give the same result:
> data = str.encode('latin-1')
> Then you can save it:
> s = open('/home/hidura/test.jpeg', 'wb')
> s.write(data)
> s.close()
> I asked you to look at the result of repr so that you could see more
> clearly what the data actually looked like, an instance of str or an
> instance of bytes.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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