In message <>, Anssi Saari wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:
>> The Linux kernel includes built-in support for something close to two
>> dozen different partition formats, from the common ones like MS-DOS,
>> Solaris, SGI, Ultrix, EFI and BSD on down. Why reinvent parts of that
>> when you can get it all for free?
> Because for the common case it's simple and easy and one might learn
> something interesting?
You consider it “interesting” to reinvent stuff that others have already 

> But can you really get all that for free, in python? in other words,
> is there a python API for all that? The stuff in /proc/partitions
> seems rather limited to me, although I have only vanilla partitions on
> my computers.

What more do you want?

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