This is the code what i use to save the file.
tmpData = str(rawData)[1:].strip("' '")
tmp = tmpData.split('\\r')
for piece in tmp:
for slice in piece.split('\n'):
if 'Content-Disposition' in slice:
filename = slice.split(';')[2].split('=')[1]
h = open('home/hidura/'+filename.strip('" "'), 'wb')
elif '\\x' in slice:
pickle.dump(slice, h)
On Oct 2, 2010 10:37am, wrote:
The results was that, i can upload all the data normally comes as an byte
code and looks like this:
and this is what i store in the file, and the part of the code what
handle the wsgi it's that what i post, i am using to test the upload file
area, i hope this is what you want
Thanks for the answer!!!!
On Oct 2, 2010 5:34am, "Diez B. Roggisch"> wrote:
> Chris Rebert> writes:
> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:13 PM,> wrote:
> >> Hello, i control the problem of the data what is uploaded by the POST
> >> method, in the web if the file is a text theres no problem
> >> but the trouble comes when it's an enconded file as a Picture or
other what
> >> the when the system insert the data into the file
> >> well it doesn 't encoded in the write way i will put all the code,
from the
> >> area whats take the environ['wsgi.input'] to the area
> >> thats save the file:
> >>
> >> tmpData = str(rawData)[1:].strip("' '")#Here the data from the
> >> environ['wsgi.input'], first i convert the byte into a string delete
> >> first field that represent the b and after i strip the single quotes
> >> dat = tmpData.split('\\r')#Then i split all the data in the '\\r'
> >> s = open('/home/hidura/test.png', 'w')#I open the test.png file.
> >
> >> Where is the mistake?
> In believing that wsgi.input is a simple file that contains your
> upload. It isn't. It is multipart/form-data encoded, to cope with
> potentially many files being uploaded in one go, plus assorted other
> form fields.
> In another post, you have already been shown how to do this. What where
> the results? How does your full script look like? How does the form look
> like you upload with?
> Diez
> --