Here is what I tried, but it prints out '-1': PyObject* obj = PyRun_String("1", Py_single_input, PyEval_GetGlobals(), PyEval_GetLocals()); long d = PyLong_AsLong(obj); printf("long:%ld\n", d); Py_DECREF(obj);
Peter On Sep 30, 9:24 pm, Thomas Jollans <> wrote: > On Thursday 30 September 2010, it occurred to pbienst to exclaim: > > > Hi, > > > I'm embedding Python in a C app. > > > Say I do the following: > > > PyRun_SimpleString("a = 1") > > > Is there then a way to get access to the PyObject corresponding to a, > > only making use in C of the fact that it's called "a"? > > > I've searched through the API docs, but I couldn't really find what I > > was looking for. > > No. Not as such. But you could use PyRun_String, or PyRun_StringFlags. You > could then access the globals object, but I ask you, why would you want to > bind the object to a name in the first place? Use the fact that PyRun_String > returns a reference to the result of an expression! --