On Sep 30, 10:37 pm, RG <rnospa...@flownet.com> wrote: > In article <87tyl63cag....@mail.geddis.org>, > Don Geddis <d...@geddis.org> wrote: > > > > > > > Keith Thompson <ks...@mib.org> wrote on Thu, 30 Sep 2010: > > > RG <rnospa...@flownet.com> writes: > > >> You're missing a lot of context. I'm not trying to criticize C, just to > > >> refute a false claim that was made about it. > > > Can you cite the article that made this false claim, and exactly what > > > the false claim was? > > >http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/msg/431925448da59481 > > > Message-ID: > > <0497e39d-6bd1-429d-a86f-f4c89babe...@u31g2000pru.googlegroups.com> > > From: TheFlyingDutchman <zzbba...@aol.com> > > Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp > > > [...] > > in C I can have a function maximum(int a, int b) that will always > > work. Never blow up, and never give an invalid answer. If someone > > tries to call it incorrectly it is a compile error. > > [...] > > > ______________________________________________________________________________ > > _ > > Don Geddis http://don.geddis.org/ > > d...@geddis.org > > Thanks, Don. > > rg-
Thanks from me as well, Don. I was worried that people would start to believe that the original statement was what you said it was: "I'm not even saying it's a flaw in the language. All I'm saying is that the original claim -- that any error in a C program will be caught by the compiler -- is false, and more specifically, that it can be demonstrated to be false without appeal to unknown run-time input." -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list