Hello list, i had seriously troubles with the connection between a form and the wsgi, i' ve made an application on Python3 and was running perfectly but when i try to use the <form> to pass the data this can't be see on the server, so what is your recommendation?, i am open to all the ideas less leave to Python2 i can't all the project was write on Python3, i was looking into the PEP 444 proposal too.

Here is the code what i used to take the data:


and here it's what the os.environ.item() prints to me:

('LESSOPEN', '|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s')
('SSH_CLIENT', ' 38415 22')
('CVS_RSH', 'ssh')
('LOGNAME', 'hidura')
('INPUTRC', '/etc/inputrc')
('HOME', '/home/hidura')
('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/home/hidura/webapps/karinapp/apache2/lib')
('LANG', 'en_US.UTF-8')
('TERM', 'xterm')
('SHELL', '/bin/bash')
('SHLVL', '3')
('HISTSIZE', '1000')
('_', '/home/hidura/webapps/karinapp/apache2/bin/httpd.worker')
('SSH_CONNECTION', ' 38415 22')
('SSH_TTY', '/dev/pts/5')
('HOSTNAME', 'web152.webfaction.com')
('PWD', '/home/hidura')
('MAIL', '/var/spool/mail/hidura')
Thanks, i am desperate.

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