Hello, after some computations, I obtain a 2D matrix of data, in a numpy array. I can easily plot them using pyplot, and can easily extract either vertical or horizontal slices by plotting a row or a column of this matrix. I would like to be able to plot slices form this data array, but with an arbitrary angle. Thus my question: what is the best way to do so?
For the moment the solution I am using is to go through image transformation, using PIL, by a function returning : array(Image.fromarray(<data>).rotate(<angle>,resample=Image.BICUBIC)) In short, I convert the array in an image object, I rotate it, and then convert it back to an array. Not very clean, rather a work around than a solution, indeed. Actually, I more precisely extract my 2D array from much higher dimensions data (i.e. 10-20 fields of different data in 3 dimensions of space+1 dimension of time), contained in a hdf5 file. I typically would like to extract arbitrary slices of any of the fields from the 3+1D space... and I don't really know how this can be simply done. I can only extract an "orthogonal" 2D space from this space, and rotate it with the above method. Is there a more direct way to extract arbitrary slices directly from 2/3/4D arrays? Which python modules would be able to do the job? Thank you, Raphael -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list