Seebs <> writes:

> On 2010-09-20, John Bokma <> wrote:
>> I didn't mean that there are spoilers in the first 70 pages, just that
>> to me the excercise would spoil the book, so, I wouldn't do it. I
>> consider a book like a meal, I wouldn't gobble down food, regurgitate
>> it, and eat it again at a slower pace. Books, movies, family, walks are
>> the things I prefer to do at a normal mudane pace, or even slower, if I
>> can bring myself to it. My favourite books I try to read slow, and
>> enjoy. ;-). Too much of my life is already in overdrive.
> Now that you explain it like this, that makes a fair bit of sense.  I
> often wonder whether reading slowly would be more pleasant.  I have no
> idea how to do it, so the question remains theoretical.

By practicing ;-). I have it worse with movies, but in my case, for
several reasons, it's really important (to me) that I watch the movie at
it's normal pace and try to enjoy it at that speed.

Talking about reading: if you have any suggestions, feel free to email
me (since this is already way off topic). I read mostly in my second
language, English, and live in a country where English books are hard to
find, so browsing in bookshops is not much of an option :-(. And most of
my (online) friends don't read much, if at all.

John Bokma                                                               j3b

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