_wolf, 11.09.2010 20:15:
does anyone have a suggestion for a ready-to-go, fast kdtree
implementation for python 3.1 and up, for nearest-neighbor searches? i
used to use the one from numpy/scipy, but find it a pain to install
for python 3.

The latest release is supposed to work with Py3.

also, i'm trying to wrap the code from http://code.google.com/p/kdtree/
using cython, but i'm still getting errors.

If you subscribe to the cython-users mailing list, you can ask for help there.

i wish stuff like kdtree, levenshtein edit distance and similar things
were available in the standard library.

Since you're looking for an implementation, I guess you won't be the one volunteering to maintain such code in the stdlib, would you?



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