Reducing the sleep time in the loop also seems to speed things up.
I'm guessing due to giving both event loops more resources, but
I can't prove it conclusively.

This might make a good candidate for the Cookbook (or there's
a collection of IE automation examples at
so anybody else trying to do something similar knows some of the pitfalls.


"J Correia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> "Roger Upole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> There does appear to be some sort of conflict between the two event
>> hooks.  I wasn't seeing it before since IE was getting google from my
>> browser cache and it was coming up almost instantaneously.  As soon
>> as I switched the URL to a page that loads slowly, I got the same
>> result.
>>    Adding win32gui.PumpWaitingMessages() to the wait loop
>> seems to allow both event hooks to run without blocking each other.
>>      Roger
> I added that line to the wait loop and while it does indeed speed it
> up dramatically (in 10 tests: min = 13 sec; max = 33, ave ~ 20 secs)
> it's still nowhere near the 1-2 secs it takes without hooking the
> IE events.  I also can't explain the wide differences between min
> and max times since they seem to occur randomly
> (e.g. min occurred on 7th run, max on 4th).
> I assume that that response time won't be adequate for the original
> poster's needs, due to the slowdown in browsing for his users.
> Jose

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