Am Samstag, 21. Mai 2005 06:54 schrieb Sakesun Roykiattisak:
> Try
> cursor.execute (
> """
>   SELECT name, month, day ,category, city FROM bday
>   WHERE %s = %s
> """
>   %(arg1,arg2))

*argh* You don't do any quoting of SQL-parameters, and that's more than bad! 
(leaves you up to the mercy of SQL-injection attacks, for example)

What you basically want to have is something like the following:

# Make sure arg1 is actually just characters.
if not arg1.isalpha():
    raise RuntimeError, "trying to do SQL-injection attack?!"

# Now do query.
SELECT name, month, day, category, city FROM body
WHERE %s = %%s
""" % (arg1,),

See how I didn't just use arg1 to paste it in the query string, but checked it 
before trying the query to consist only of characters. You'd have to adjust 
this accordingly for field-names you use (maybe you use underscores, etc.). 
But, be sure that arg1 contains no ";"!


--- Heiko.
  see you at:

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