On 8/30/2010 1:11 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Nik the Greek wrote:

Yes i will i just asked to know if i were to substitute what might be
the problem so to understand why i need the quoting.

Because if you use % to build a query string, the result must
be syntactically valid SQL. The values that you substitute
into the placeholders must end up looking like SQL literals.
That means string values need to be in quotes, and probably
dates as well, although numbers don't.

When you use the execute method's own parameter substitution
mechanism, things are different. It's not a textual replacement,
and you don't put quotes around the placeholders. There's no
particular reason for that, it's just the way it's defined
to work.

   Actually, it IS a textual replacement.  What

    cursor.execute(sqlstring, values)

is doing is essentially

    quotedstr = sqlstring % map(MySQLdb.escape_string, values)

There's much confusion about this, but it isn't complicated.

                                John Nagle


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